Friday, January 31, 2014

Checkerboard Stitch

 So I had originally planned on starting those gloves this weekend, but ended up stumbling upon a really cute scarf that I immediately wanted to try to create. The scarf was made by Abhey Parilla and uses the checkerboard stitch. Abhey's blog and a picture of her scarf can be found here. I had some leftover pink and purple Simply Soft yarn that I thought would look pretty for this scarf. I really love this stitch because it is super easy to do and it works up really quickly. The edges in the beginning were looking a little sloppy...I think I may have been crocheting into the wrong chain stitch at the end of each row. However, I think I fixed that on the last section that I crocheted. Here's a picture of the scarf so far:
If you want the pattern for this checkerboard stitch, you can find it on the lion brand website here. I also recommend checking out Abhey's blog. She is a beginner crocheter, but has created some really beautiful pieces.  She also has some great resources for those of us just starting out.
I will post more pictures once I am finished with this scarf!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Little Box

 So, today I really wanted to start crocheting these fingerless gloves that I have been eyeing for a while. I absolutely love them!
(The pattern is in the Feb/March issue of Crochet Today)
 However, when I got home from work it was soooo freezing out and I could not force myself out of the house to get the yarn I want. Maybe that will be a project for this weekend if I have the time.
Here is a little something I made the other night. I was bored last night and wanted to crochet something simple that I could finish right then. I came across a pattern for these cute little boxes. I now need to stiffen the box but am not sure how to go about this. I'm thinking of using glue and water or sugar and water. It should be interesting, I have yet to try stiffening any crochet pieces or blocking anything. I will update you on how it turns out.
This pattern was created by Sarah Margaret Crittenden and is under a creative commons license.
(Here is the pattern

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Jumping Into Scarves

So, like most beginner crocheters I started with the scarf. All of my projects so far I have made as gifts for people because I find myself much more motivated and into the project when I am intending to give it to someone. Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures of many of my scarves before giving them away and the pictures that I did get are not the best. I want to start getting photos of all my projects from now on because it is nice to be able to look back on what I have done and to see how I have improved over time. For now I am going to post the pictures that I do have of some of the scarves I made over the past year.

Beginning of my journey

Hi Everyone! My name is Jenn and I wanted to create this blog as a way to chronicle my progress with crocheting, as well as to hopefully meet other crocheters out there. I have been wanting to learn to crochet for a while and last Christmas(2012) decided to ask for crocheting supplies and books from my family. I got off to kind of a slow start due to beginner's frustrations and a crazy work schedule getting in the way. However for Christmas this year I decided I wanted to make most of my gifts for friends and family. I got kind of a late start on it, but managed to crochet gifts for almost everyone on my list! This got me back into the crochet mode and now I am addicted. I am still an absolute beginner but am eager to learn and improve! I hope to meet others out there that can help me along the way.